BCBS of Rhode Island Spine Program

Provider Attitude, Satisfaction & Engagement Data

PCP Participant Data

DC/PT Participant Data

PCP Satisfaction

The Spine Care Partners program is designed for the busy PCP clinician

The educational program facilitates clinical decision-making for spine-related disorders

Clinical decisions made at the level of the first-contact provider have a huge impact on episode of care costs

Aligning clinical decisions with clinical guideline recommendations (or evidence-based care) improves patient care 

Guideline concordant care reduces wasteful spending and improves patient outcomes

Over 97% of PCPs report average, good or excellent satisfaction with the program

Participant Comments

Changing behavior begins with changing beliefs

DC & PT Satisfaction

The Spine Care Partners program is designed for the busy chiropractor

The educational program facilitates clinical decision-making for spine-related disorders

Clinical decisions made at the level of the first-contact provider have a huge impact on episode of care costs

Aligning clinical decisions with clinical guideline recommendations (or evidence-based care)  improves patient care 

Guideline concordant care reduces wasteful spending and improves patient outcomes

Over 99% of Chiropractors & Physical Therapists report average, good or excellent satisfaction with the program

Provider Retention & Engagement (2020-Current)

PSPN systematically engages providers with educational materials to support their practice and clinical skills

Providers receive email & text communications on a weekly basis

Providers open these e-mail communications at a rate higher than industry standards

Engagement data indicates that providers value the content contained in the engagement campaigns

PCP Content Engagement Detail

Changing behavior begins with changing beliefs

DC/PT Content Engagement Detail

Changing behavior begins with changing beliefs